Pastor’s Message

We hear in the Gospel of Luke as Jesus began his public ministry, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me.”  At St. John the Baptist School, we share the same goal that our children may know the spirit of the Lord in their lives.  And that in turn, they may go forth and fill the earth, our world with the way of the Lord.

 Along with our parents, educators, and faith community, we are all sharing in the mission of providing a Christ-centered education for our students.  We may come from diverse backgrounds and families, all reflecting the dignity and call of God, to be of one people in Jesus our Lord.  In order to raise and encourage our sons and daughters in the Church, we joyfully take on the challenge to provide a vital education based on a holistic approach to academic, spiritual, and personal growth.

 I am most committed to St. John’s School and pledge to provide vital spiritual leadership along with the support that will ensure a vibrant future.

 My prayer is that all our efforts with Catholic education may nurture a living, conscious, and active faith in the families and young members of our faith communities.  Through that same spirit that came upon Jesus, may it come upon us as we follow him—the way, the truth, and life.  Together, may we teach minds, touch hearts, and transform lives.

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