Grades 1-5 of our elementary division prepare students for the rigors and perseverance required of today’s learner. Nurturing children’s natural quest to explore new ideas in an engaging environment, the faculty instills the skills and work ethic required of the 21st century learner. Central to their development is the love of God, themselves, and others. Our classrooms foster Catholic values, citizenship, personal responsibility, and a passion for learning that allow students to achieve their personal best.
Specials include: Art, Music, Technology, Library, and Physical Education
Program includes:
- Curriculum is aligned with the NYS Common Core Learning Standards in accordance with the Diocese of Buffalo
- Gifted and Talented programs through the Ken-Ton School District
- SMART Boards in every classroom
- Literacy Specialist works with students in small-groups for both remediation and accelerated purposes
- Math Specialist works with students in small-groups for remediation in grades 3 to 5
- Preparation for the Sacraments, including Reconciliation in 2nd grade and First Communion in 3rd grade
- Recorder lessons incorporated into music curriculum for grades 3 and 4
- Foreign language classes that begins in grade 4 and continue through grade 8
- Early drop-off available
- After-school child care available
Highlights of Program:
- Junior Varsity Sports Teams
- Children’s Choir and St. John’s Singers
- Engaging assemblies
- Field trips
- Participation in many community, state and national contests: poetry, essay, poster, and poetry published in national anthologies