Welcome to Our New Principal

Dear St. John’s Parents and Guardians:

 I am pleased to announce the appointment of veteran Catholic educator Melissa Lindner as principal of St. John the Baptist School, effective June 24, 2024. The former Saints Peter & Paul School Principal (Williamsville) is known for focusing on Catholic identity while promoting Christian values, collaborating with faculty and staff, and advancing the STREAM curriculum (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, The Arts, and Math). She also served as principal of Notre Dame High School (Batavia), technology coordinator, STREAM coordinator, librarian, and technology integration specialist at Saints Peter & Paul, technology teacher at Immaculata Academy in Hamburg, and assistant women’s basketball coach at D’Youville College (now university).

With extensive experience as a Catholic elementary school principal and a deep commitment to Catholic education, Mrs. Lindner is well-suited to lead the St. John’s School community. I believe she will move our school forward, building on the spiritual, academic, arts, and service excellence for which St. John’s is well known.

A graduate of Hilbert College, Mrs. Lindner received a Master of Science in Education from D’Youville, a Master of Public Administration from Hilbert College, a Certificate of Education Leadership from Canisius College (now university), and a professional certificate in School District Leadership from New York State.

“I have a deep and passionate commitment to Catholic education,” Mrs. Lindner said. “I am dedicated to fostering academic excellence while preserving Catholic identity and promoting Christian values. I look forward to working with faculty, staff, parents, and guardians to make sure St. John’s remains true to its philosophy of emphasizing the special mission of the Church, especially through education in the Catholic faith.”

Join me in welcoming Mrs. Lindner to our school family. She and her husband, Tim, have two daughters.

I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Michelle Norris who stepped up as interim principal these past few months and has done an excellent job leading the school through the end of the academic year. Mrs. Norris will remain at St. John’s as the school’s Catholic Charities counselor. She has a master’s in School Counseling from Johns Hopkins University and said that this is an opportunity that she has always wanted and suits her skillset. Mrs. Norris wants you to know that she is looking forward to providing social and emotional support to your children when the need arises.

Thank you for your continued investment in a St. John’s education for your children. Have an enjoyable, relaxing summer!

 In Christ,

Fr. Michael